Networking, networking, networking. Everyone tells you too pay attention to your networking and make good connections. Well occasionally that networking really does pay off. A few years ago I attended one of the Chesapeake Area Machinist club’s yard sales. Always on the lookout for leather tools. I spent a bit chatting with one of the gentlemen, and eventually traded contact info. Well a few weeks ago he sent me a message, letting me know he had something special set aside for me.
And what a special pile of leather tools it is, so many good things in this little collection of tools. There were several Gomph Leather edgers, a pile of these great leather pinking punches. A pair of edge creasers, a bag punch, and a rein trimmer. To round it off possibly the most beautiful example of a lacing awl i have ever seen. Seriously look at that long awl, beautiful handle that looks practically brand new, and the blade is still shiny and sharp.
If anyone has any questions about these tools id be happy to answer them, just send me a message.